About the Card
The journey through the Special World changes the Hero in profound ways. They gain new perspectives, knowledge, and abilities that allow them to transcend their old selves. However, this transformation also brings challenges as the Hero must reintegrate into the Ordinary World. They may face resistance or find it difficult to adjust to the old ways of life, leading them to experience a reluctance to return.
Refusal of the Return is a pivotal moment in the Hero's Journey. It represents the temptation to stay in the Special World, which is now familiar and comforting, rather than returning to the Ordinary World, which may seem mundane and unfulfilling in comparison. This can manifest as a desire to stay in the Special World or as a fear of returning to the Ordinary World. The Hero may also feel that they are not ready to return, as they have not yet achieved their ultimate goal or purpose.
However, it is important for the Hero to realize that their journey is not complete until they have returned to the Ordinary World and shared their newfound knowledge and wisdom with others. The true reward lies in using their experiences to benefit others, rather than simply enjoying personal satisfaction or comfort.
Message from the Card
Refusal of the Return is a reminder that the journey is not over until you have returned to the Ordinary World. It is natural to feel hesitant or resistant to leave the Special World, but it is essential to recognize that your transformation is not complete until you have returned and shared your experiences with others. Remember that the true reward is not personal satisfaction or comfort but the ability to benefit others with your newfound knowledge and wisdom. Embrace this opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.
Temptation to stay in the Special World, Fear of returning to the Ordinary World, Reluctance to reintegrate, Desire to remain in comfort, Not feeling ready to return, Completion of the journey, Sharing knowledge and wisdom with others, Making a positive impact on the world