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Flowers in Pocket

The Ally

The Helper Along the Way

Support, Guidance, Mentorship, Friendship, Collaboration, Challenging, Motivations, Trust, Discernment, Empathy, Paying it Forward

​Get your hands on the Writing with Spirit Oracle Deck before anyone else!

About the Card

The Ally is an archetype in storytelling that represents the character who aids and supports the Hero in their journey. The Ally can come in many forms, such as a friend, a mentor, or a romantic partner. They provide assistance, guidance, and emotional support to the Hero as they face challenges and obstacles on their path.

The Ally is an important character in the Hero's journey, as they help the Hero gain confidence and navigate the unfamiliar territory of the Special World. They may also challenge the Hero, pushing them to become their best selves and face their fears.

The role of the Ally is not always clear-cut, however. They may have their own motivations and agendas that conflict with the Hero's goals. Additionally, they may not be present throughout the entire journey, leaving the Hero to fend for themselves in certain situations.

Message from the Card

The Ally card represents the support and guidance that is available to you on your journey. Whether it is a friend, family member, or mentor, there are people in your life who want to see you succeed and will help you along the way. The key is to be open to their assistance and to ask for help when you need it.

It's important to remember that the Ally is not infallible, and may have their own motives that don't align with yours. Be discerning in choosing who you trust and rely on. But also be willing to listen to their feedback and advice, even if it challenges you.

In addition, you may also have the opportunity to act as an Ally for someone else on their journey. This can be a rewarding experience and can deepen your own understanding of the Hero's journey.


Support, Guidance, Mentorship, Friendship, Collaboration, Challenging, Motivations, Trust, Discernment, Empathy, Paying it Forward

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