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Flowers in Pocket

The Athlete

Self-absorption and physical prowess

Physical prowess, Self-improvement, Competition, Narcissism, Criticism, Emotional intelligence, Empathy, Sense of purpose

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About the Card

According to Carl Jung, life stage archetypes reflect the stages of psychological development that individuals pass through in their journey towards self-realization. The Athlete archetype represents the phase of our lives when we are at our most self-absorbed, often characterized by a preoccupation with our physical bodies and appearance. It is a stage of development in which the individual seeks to prove themselves physically, and often places a high value on competition and achievement.

However, this stage can also be marked by narcissism and criticism, as the individual may become overly focused on their own physical prowess at the expense of others. Those who do not move past this stage may become trapped in a perpetual cycle of self-absorption and competition, failing to recognize the value of relationships and other aspects of life.

Message from the Card

The Athlete archetype can represent a powerful drive for physical achievement and self-improvement, but it is important to recognize that it is only one phase of our journey. While striving for physical excellence can be admirable, it is also essential to develop emotional intelligence, empathy, and a sense of purpose beyond competition and achievement. Be mindful of the potential for narcissism and criticism, and strive to cultivate a healthy sense of self-worth that is not dependent on physical prowess alone.


Physical prowess, Self-improvement, Competition, Narcissism, Criticism, Emotional intelligence, Empathy, Sense of purpose

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