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You deserve creative alignment, and we deserve stories that illuminate our path.

Write Your Story with the Power of The Universe: A 7-Week Intensive

Learn how to write powerful stories with spiritual wisdom and the Hero's Journey framework.

Welcome, fellow seeker and storyteller! 🌟


Are you ready to embark on a transformative writing adventure? In this 7-week course, we’ll fuse ancient wisdom with practical screenwriting craft. But more than that—it's a dual Hero's Journey:


The Writer's Journey. We'll dive into the insights of Joseph Campbell and Christopher Vogler, focusing on the nitty-gritty of craft. But here's the twist: we'll filter it through your unique creative expression. Your story isn't a template; it's a living, breathing universe waiting to be born.


Your Personal Journey. Beyond the page, we'll explore our rich inner worlds. Spiritual teachings and energy work will guide us toward alignment—the most authentic versions of ourselves. This isn't just about writing; it's about alchemizing wisdom from deep self-self reflection.


And what's our compass through this mystical terrain?​


Energy Exploration. We'll journey through each energy center—from Root to Crown. Discover how these subtle forces influence not only our characters, but also our own emotional arcs. It's like discovering secret passages within ourselves.


Spiritual Insights. Our writing won't be mere words; it'll be infused with cosmic whispers. Intuition, creativity, and authenticity— they'll flow from unseen realms, guiding our pens.


Practical Tools. But theory alone won't cut it. We'll roll up our sleeves and craft a Treatment for your play, pilot, or screenplay. It’s hands-on, actionable magic—the kind that shapes worlds.


Join our supportive community of like-minded spirit-led writers. Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today. Let’s create stories that resonate far beyond the page.

Next Cohort Launches May 2024

Feel the call? Start Your Adventure and let your creative journey begin!

Not only was I able to learn the logistics of screenwriting, Rhiannon provided a form to look inward at what blocks me creatively and professionally and gave me tools to move beyond those blocks. I'm excited about what I learned and was able to create!
I loved every second. The course fuses two of my passions: writing and spirituality and it encouraged me to approach my work in a different way, inspiring new tools to incorporate in my process. Highly recommend.
 See What Others Are Saying 


Virtual Launch Party & New Moon Gathering

Join our celebratory launch party where we'll set intentions for the journey ahead under the power of the New Moon. We'll explore what to expect during the course and experience a powerful group reiki clearing and guided New Moon meditation.

Meets Fri 2/9 at 7:30pm EST




the foundations of storytelling

We will discuss storytelling and why we do it, the spiritual nature of writing, blocks to writing, and an intro to the Hero's Journey - the format we'll be using for our outlines. The reiki healing will center around blocks to writing.

Meets Sun 2/18 at 1pm EST




the world that births the hero

We will discuss the Ordinary World that births the Hero, the Special World that challenges the Hero, the cycle of death and rebirth, the value of metaphor, and creating a solid Logline for your story. The reiki healing will center around the channeling creativity.

Meets Sun 2/25 at 1pm EST



the mirrors of the self

We will discuss the Universal Law of Reflection, Character Archetypes in the Hero's Journey, Internal and External Goals, and the Central Dramatic Question. The reiki healing will center around self-empowerment.

Meets Sun 3/3 at 1pm EST



the heart of the journey

We will discuss Dramatic Turns and the highs and lows of the Hero's Journey, Heart-ache and the Buddhist perspective on suffering, Divine Union, and the B-Story. The reiki healing will center around heart healing and opening.

Meets Sun 3/10 at 1pm EST



our authentic voice

We will discuss Authenticity and finding our authentic voice, Living On Purpose and In Alignment, Genre + Tone, Finding a Niche, and how to get our stories out there with a guest lecture from an Industry Professional on pitching your story. The reiki healing will center around clearing fear and blocks around using our authentic voices. 

Meets Sun 3/17 at 1pm EST



connecting to the voice within

We will discuss all things Intuition including what it is, how to connect with it, and how to strengthen your relationship with your internal voice. This week we will practice writing from intuition with several exercises to get us out of our heads and into our guts (+ hearts). The reiki healing will center around opening our connection to intuition and removing any fear/blocks that get in the way.

Meets Sun 3/24 at 1pm EST



raising the vibration

We will discuss Vibration and How we can Vibrate Higher Daily, the value of discipline, how to develop writing (and spiritual) discipline, Connecting with your Spirit Guides, and Next Steps to take with developing and writing your story. The reiki healing will center around strengthening the connection to the Divine and Divine Guidance.

Meets Sun 3/31 at 1pm EST


6-Week Check-in: POSTPARTUM

continuing the momentum

The creative process is a birth, so it only makes sense that we have a postpartum check-in. We'll hold space for each other as we check-in on our progress and address any blocks that may have shown up once back in the daily grind of life. This can be gentle accountability or support group. Either way we'll reflect on your progress and help keep you aligned on your creative writing journey.

Meets Thu 5/12 at 1pm EST

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 The Roadmap 








Who This Class is For:
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Aspiring Writers: If you’re passionate about storytelling, whether you’re a beginner or have some writing experience, this workshop is for you. Dive into the chakras and learn how to infuse your writing with spiritual wisdom.


Screenwriters and Playwrights, even advanced in your career: If you’re working on a screenplay, pilot, or play, this course will provide practical tools to enhance your craft. Explore character development, plot structure, and genre alignment while igniting your passion for storytelling. If you’re a seasoned screenwriter who has navigated the industry and seeks fresh inspiration, this workshop is a sanctuary.


Spiritual Seekers: If you’re drawn to the unseen realms, energy centers, and self-exploration, this workshop combines spiritual teachings with creative expression. Unleash your inner storyteller.


Creative Mavericks: If you’re tired of writing screenplays by the numbers, this workshop is your sanctuary. Break free from formulas and embrace the artistry of storytelling. Let spiritual wisdom guide you beyond conventions.

Who This Class is NOT For:
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Those Seeking Quick Fixes: If you’re looking for shortcuts or overnight success, this course emphasizes depth and growth. It’s not a magic bullet; it’s a transformative journey.


Non-Open-Minded Individuals: If you’re resistant to exploring spirituality, energy centers, or unconventional writing techniques, this workshop may not align with your mindset.


Those Looking to Learn How to Sell a Screenplay: There are plenty of those classes out there and I’m sure you can find what you’re looking for. While we will discuss pitching and developing a Treatment, our primary focus is your unique creative expression. We believe in finding an audience that vibes with you rather than the other way around.

 Our community thrives on curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. If you resonate with the above descriptions, you’re in the right place! 🌟

At the end of the rainbow, you'll walk away with:

Embodied Wisdom

You’ll connect with the ancient wisdom of the chakras, infusing your writing with depth and authenticity. Your words will resonate beyond the page.


Aligned Purpose

Discover how to align your creative purpose with the wisdom of human mythology. Your stories will resonate with the echoes of ancient tales.


Transmuted Shadows

Release creative shadows—the doubts, fears, and self-imposed limitations. Just as mythical heroes faced their inner demons, you’ll transmute blocks into stepping stones.


​Ignited Passion

Stoke the creative fire within. The hero’s journey will ignite your passion for storytelling, fueling your commitment to craft.


Rooted Foundations

Build solid foundations for your tales. Like ancient myths, your narratives will stand tall, weathering literary storms.


Transformative Treatment 

You'll create a clear and compelling Treatment that will serve as a roadmap for your writing journey. You'll also learn how to craft stories that resonate with your audience and yourself.


If you want to know more about why a Treatment is an invaluable tool for storytellers, click here.

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Your Journey Includes:
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  • A Launch Party & New Moon Gathering on February 9th, 2024

    • Join our celebratory launch party where we set intentions for the journey ahead.

    • Explore what to expect during the course.

    • Experience a powerful group reiki clearing and a guided New Moon meditation.


  • Weekly Online Classes beginning Thursday, February 15th.

    • Dive into live weekly classes, covering chakra-based storytelling techniques.

    • Access class recordings to revisit concepts anytime.


  • Weekly Writing with Personalized Feedback

    • Receive weekly writing assignments tailored to advance your Treatment.

    • Get personalized feedback from Rhiannon to enhance your work.


  • Weekly Group Reiki Clearings

    • Weekly energy clearings aligned with the course focus.

    • Address and release creative blocks, fears, and resistance.


  • A Vibrant Online Community

    • Connect with like-minded spirit-led writers beyond the classroom.

    • Share insights, collaborate, and find inspiration.


  • Weekly Office Hours Available with Rhiannon

    • Dive deeper into course material during weekly office hours.

    • Clarify doubts, discuss challenges, and receive additional support.​​​​​​​


  • A 6-Week Post-Class Check-In

    • Stay accountable and maintain momentum after the course ends.

    • Reflect on your progress and continue your writing journey.


  • Course Materials:

    • Writing with Spirit Companion Workbook: A comprehensive 100+pg workbook to infuse spirituality into your writing process.


  • Available Add-on for +$100 (a $250 value)​

 Private 1-on-1 Healing Session + Personalized Energetic Action Plan 

  • ​Dive into personalized healing with Rhiannon and address emotional and energetic blocks related to both you and your writing project.

  • Based on your 1-on-1 Healing Session, receive a customized plan to align your energy with your creative goals.

Join us on this transformative journey where creativity meets spirituality. Join the next cohort and unlock your storytelling potential!

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Meet Your Guide for The Journey

Rhiannon Ciara Vaughn's plays include Gifted*, The Age of the Guru is Dead, and "Wine Night," a finalist at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. Her play "A Lovely Day Outside" was named a Top 5 Play at Living on the Edge Festival. She was a finalist for the 2019 Kennedy Center/NNPN MFA Workshop. Her narrative podcast, Persistence of Memory, which she co-created and was featured during Gotham Week, won Best Podcast at TIFF64.


Rhiannon is a Holy Fire Reiki Practitioner and R.A.A.H certified  healer. She has spent the pandemic honing her her craft and reconnecting with the Earth and Elements through the Sacred Wild Herbalism Apprenticeship and she's excited to connect with you on this sacred task of telling our stories.


Rhiannon has an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University.

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Out of your budget? Let's make a deal. We have a few scholarship spots available. Apply here.

The Investment: 
 Why Create a Treatment? 

As a writer, I’ve embarked on countless creative journeys—some exhilarating, others daunting. But one tool has consistently guided me through the labyrinth of storytelling: the Treatment. Let me share why it’s become my compass, my North Star.


Blueprint for Your Story

A Treatment isn’t just a summary; it’s the architectural blueprint for your narrative. Imagine constructing a building without a plan—the chaos, the uncertainty. Similarly, a story needs structure. By creating a Treatment, you lay out the major beats, character arcs, and pivotal moments. It’s the roadmap that ensures you don’t get lost in the wilderness of my imagination.


Clarity and Focus

Writing a screenplay, pilot, or play can be overwhelming. Ideas swirl, characters chatter, and plotlines tangle. The Treatment forces you to distill your vision into concise paragraphs. What’s the core theme? Who embarks on this journey? What conflicts ignite the narrative? Clarity emerges, preventing aimless wandering during the writing process.


Early Problem-Solving

Ever written 100 pages only to realize your plot lacks tension or your climax falls flat? A Treatment saves you from heartache. It’s like diagnosing a health issue in its early stages—easier to address and less painful than waiting until it becomes a crisis. The Treatment will help you spot potential issues before diving into the full script. Plus, you'll get valuable feedback through the Treatment stages to address any holes weekly.



A Treatment isn’t etched in stone; it’s a living, breathing companion. As you write, you can adjust, tweak, and pivot. It’s your creative safety net, allowing you to explore without fear of losing direction. Just as a ship adjusts its sails to catch the changing winds, your Treatment adapts to your evolving narrative.


Pitching and Collaboration 

Whether pitching to agents, producers, or publishers, the Treatment is your sales pitch. It succinctly conveys the heart of your story. But it’s not just for industry gatekeepers. Collaborators—directors, actors, editors—rely on Treatments to understand your vision. It bridges the gap between your mind and theirs.


Inspiration Anchor

Picture yourself in a writing slump—the words feel heavy, the ideas elusive. Revisit your Treatment. It’s your North Star, your guiding light. It reminds you of the core essence of your story—the heartbeat beneath the words. Like a lighthouse cutting through fog, it guides you through stormy seas toward clarity and inspiration.


So, fellow storyteller, let your Treatment be your compass, your muse, and your unwavering companion. Your Treatment is more than just a summary of your story; it’s an invaluable tool that will help you work through and apply the concepts of the Hero’s Journey Through the Chakras course.


By the end of this course, you’ll have a clear and compelling Treatment that will serve as a roadmap for your writing journey. You’ll also have a deeper understanding of how to craft stories that resonate with your audience and yourself.

Hero Journey Through the Chakras

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Don’t miss this opportunity to unleash your creative potential and transform your storytelling skills. Apply for the course today and secure your spot. Hurry, there are limited spots available!

The Journey Begins

May 2024 | Online

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